Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tiger Man


This 1973 Hong Kong actioner shot in Japan, was intended to star Bruce Lee. But after his untimely death the lead role went to HK-Taiwanese martial artist Jimmy Wang Yu. And he gives a intensely crazed performance as the man driven to avenge his father's mysterious murder. Yes it's a who-killed-my-father-oh-YOU-killed-my-father-prepare-to-die flick.

For the A MAN CALLED TIGER blu-ray package I designed a fairly typical 70s style exploitative action thriller poster. Wang Yu conveys his prototypical facial expression used heavily throughout the film. (Usually the last thing his adversary sees before it's "lights out".)

Tiger imagery is common in my town, from the school mascot to the tiger sancuary down the road. So some sublte stripes and blazing bengal colors seemed a natural fit, even though Yu is the only true "animal" in the film.

Overall the design came off as sorta "sharp". Not so much in clarity, but more in angularity. I think it's due to the pointy achitecture and jagged bleeding text. Oddly enough, I can't recall ever seeing a cablecar in a movie unless their was a fight atop it. Certainly more often than not. 

For the booklet cover design, I went with simple silhouettes in bengal hues. An airborne Jimmy rages out center stage, surrounded on all sides by dead men who just don't know it yet. 

Next time, we take the action to the soccer field.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Amongst the Hindu temples and oil rigs of Bali. Ruthless gangs of mustachioed smugglers. A hot briefcase of cold cash. Glorious bell bottom jeans... and revenge. Sweet sweet revenge. 

This is gritty, hard film. Perhaps not quite exploitation, but darn close. So for my cover art I leaned into the hard contrasts of black or white. No gentle grays. Figures are coiled for action. Jagged edges point from all directions as if there's no easy escape. The title treatment, a leaning cross of interlocked text. The yellow/orange gradient is pulled directly from the original Hong Kong poster art as homage. All under a layer of grindhouse grime.  

For the booklet cover, black oil drips down the page along side visual references to cause and effect. Wealth. And/or Death. Two inevitable consequences for the characters in the film who deal with the stuff. You could say their ends were quite... "crude". 

I'll show myself out.  

Next time. A TIGER goes on a rampage!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


This was a weird one. One of the stranger martial arts films of the 1980s. MIRACLE FIGHTERS, directed by the amazing Yuen Woo Ping, has a little bit of everything. Part fantasy. Part Kung fu. Part magic. But mostly just insane.
So for the cover art, the brief I gave myself was to convey a bit of that insanity, without spoiling too much of what awaits the viewer. There's a lot going on in the film, so naturally there's s bit going on in the cover art too. A chaotic swirl of strangeness. The film has a certain color palette which may exist more in my mind than on celluloid. But those spooky "black light" colors was the feeling I got from my viewing experience. Add a tag line, some warped titles, and let simmer for 5 minutes before serving. 

For the booklet included with the Blu-ray I got a little cheeky. If fact, it took some big "cojones" to design this cover. If you've seen the movie, you'll surely get the joke.

There's more to come in this style so stay tuned.
But next time.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Save The Queen

For this piece I got to draw Bond, James Bond.... well, sorta. George Lazenby (ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE, 1969) stars in this 1976 Hong Kong production, A QUEEN'S RANSOM (aka THE INTERNATIONAL ASSASSIN) where his role is reveresed. Rather than serving the Queen of England, he's in charge of a group of villians planning on killing her during a visit to Hong Kong. Well, sorta. It gets complicated.

For the cover art style I went with a painted collage on a stark, mostly blank background, popular with political thrillers and exploitation films at the time this film was made. A favorite poster style of mine as well. Angela Mao, Jimmy Wang Yu and Bolo Yeung get to flex amongst the Union Jack. 

It's interesting. When I get asked to design a package for a certain film. I watch the movie first. And at some point during the viewing I get a foggy vision of the cover image. The basic shape is there, along with some color and maybe text placement, but the details are fuzzy. I liken the process to being drunk in a bar. (Admittedly an odd analogy since I rarely, if ever, drink. But it's apt.) I can see the exit across the room. It's fuzzy, but it's my destination and I think I can make it. But as I make my way, staggering across the room, I zigzag into a table, get a chair accidentally wrapped around my arm, step in a bucket I can't get off my foot. Maybe pick up a random menu or an ashtray for some unknown reason. But eventually I make it to the exit, winded and perhaps a little worse for wear, but standing at my destination none the less. I made it. 

That's kind of how designing these covers goes. I see my foggy destination, but during the process of creating the final piece it zigs and it zags and goes through changes. It picks up a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Goes in this direction and I steer it back or let it go further sometimes. It's a combination of limitations of my tools, my skills, my time and my imagination along with expectations and requirements of the client all factoring in.

But upon reflection, I think it's that creative process of letting the art go where it tells me and not forcing it back to that initial preconceived notion that makes the journey worthwhile for me as a creative person. The art itself may also benefit. I've come to discover, that fuzzy early concept is only there to get me started in a direction (any direction), but being open to new ideas and fresh inspirations along the way to completing the art, is not only an important part of the process. It is the process.       

And it's the fun. I never know what my brush will do next. Or why the heck there's a bucket on my foot. And that, I find interesting. 

Next time.... things get a little weird.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024



This month marks the 70th birthday of Hong Kong Cinema Superstar JACKIE CHAN! And to honor this special occasion, EASTERN HEROES Magazine is publishing a Special Edition all about 'you know who'. And I was honored to be tasked with creating a special cover for this issue.

RUSH HOUR director, Brett Ratner, is interviewed so his image on the cover was a prerequisite. Something from DRUNKEN MASTER 2 was another request. Otherwise I was left to do pretty much whatever. 

I figured a collage of the birthday boy throughout the years in front of, and behind the camera, was the most obvious direction. (I'm aware these types of commercial projects are not the place for risk-taking, experimental design). Jackie's wife, Joan Lin Feng-jiao, makes an appearance along with Chan's Chinese Drama School chums Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. The man that took Jackie under his wing, Golden Harvest studio head, Raymond Chow, raises his glass in celebration. Bruce Lee makes an appearance as his shadow loomed large over Jackie's early career, and of course Chan died for him in films while working as a lowly stuntman.

And so we remember where it all started, a little cowboy Jackie...stands poised to begin his accent. When he naively and fortuitosly signed up for a ten-year stint under the harsh tutelage of Master Yu Jim-yuen and began his upward spiral into the iconic stratosphere.

It's a rather busy image. For an even more full life. Happy Birthday Mr. Jackie Chan. Thanks for the thrills, the laughs and even a few tears. Seventy years. What a ride.

By the way Jackie, I know slowing down for you is only jumping off one exploading rooftop per day. But you'already left fans with a lifetime of breathtaking entertainment.

You've have earned a break.

If you ever choose to slowdown.

It's okay. We'll completely understand. 

But, like some perpetual motion machine, Jackie seems like he's riding an inertia comet. 
And we're just lucky enough to witness the splendor. 
God speed.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Mystery Solved

Another 'old skool' kung fu flick gets the grundgey, 'vintage-look' treatment. This piece for Joseph Kuo's fan-favorite THE MYSTERY OF CHESS BOXING was commissioned for the inlay cover of a Blu-ray release of a transfer of the only known surviving print. Not a negative transfer, but a banged-up 35mm fourty-year-old release print. So naturally the art is lovingly worn to match it's contents. 

The composition depicts the martial art 'players' strategically posing, sparring, and battling across the quadrants of a Xiangqi (Chinese chess) board. The limted color pallate takes it's cues from the game itself. The title spans the "river", with chess pieces in violent motion, mimicing the fighters above, and adding a little visual depth. 

I added folded damage to the art, not knowing that this would also be used as art for an included folded poster. Life imitates art I guess.  

Jackie Chan turns, what?, SEVENTY??? Yep. Already? That's next time...

Friday, March 22, 2024

Send in the CLONES

Welcome back for another increasingly random blog post.

This is a commissioned piece done for the cover of a publication. Since it focused on actors imitating Bruce Lee's appearance and martial arts movements (commonly refered to as "Bruceploitation") in the wake of his untimely passing, I tried to mimic the style of those cheaply painted film posters of the era. Complete with folds and sun damage.  

The four actors, professionally known as, (clockwise) Dragon Lee, Bruce Li, Bruce Leung, Bruce Le, are seen flexing in the looming shadow of Master Bruce. Set against a swirling sunset. The monlythic text, another retro design element, reflects the GAME OF DEATH jumpsuit styling, along with another silhouette of Lee from his statue, posing along the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront in Hong Kong. Woooooah Hi-Yaah!

The clones may have faded, but Bruce Lee's "shadow" still looms large in the pop culture zeitgeist long after his sunset.         

Beware the "Xiangqi of Death". That's the game we'll play. Next time.