Tuesday, July 30, 2024


This was a weird one. One of the stranger martial arts films of the 1980s. MIRACLE FIGHTERS, directed by the amazing Yuen Woo Ping, has a little bit of everything. Part fantasy. Part Kung fu. Part magic. But mostly just insane.
So for the cover art, the brief I gave myself was to convey a bit of that insanity, without spoiling too much of what awaits the viewer. There's a lot going on in the film, so naturally there's s bit going on in the cover art too. A chaotic swirl of strangeness. The film has a certain color palette which may exist more in my mind than on celluloid. But those spooky "black light" colors was the feeling I got from my viewing experience. Add a tag line, some warped titles, and let simmer for 5 minutes before serving. 

For the booklet included with the Blu-ray I got a little cheeky. If fact, it took some big "cojones" to design this cover. If you've seen the movie, you'll surely get the joke.

There's more to come in this style so stay tuned.
But next time.

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